
~剣道 STEP UP. channel~

剣道 STEP UP.ch




How to THINK

人 気 動 画 ランキング

  1. 剣道は武道でありスポーツではない
  2. Kendo is not "sport". Kendo is "Budo".
  3. 真剣だと相手を斬れているのが一本
  4. "Ippon" means the strike should've cut the body if the bamboo sword was "samurai sword".
  5. 勝ちを確信したら死ぬ覚悟で打ち込む
  6. When you're sure you win, you have to strik haveing a brush with death !
  7. 考えていない人が勝てない理由
  8. The reason why you can't win without deep thinking.
  9. 中学生・高校生・大学生に伝えたいこと
  10. Important things about Kendo for students.

  1. 打つべき機会と攻め
  2. The relationship between the moment to hit and Seme "mental pressure".
  3. 相手が動こうとしたところ
  4. The momento when the opponent want to move.
  5. 相手が技を受け止めたところ
  6. The momento when the opponent guard.
  7. 相手の技が尽きたところ
  8. The momento when the opponent finish to hit.
  9. 相手が居着いたところ
  10. The momento when the opponent can't move.
  11. 相手が引こうとしたところ
  12. The momento when the opponent want to step back.
  13. 相手の心が乱れたところ
  14. The momento when the opponent upset.
  15. 相手の集中力が切れたところ
  16. The momento when the opponent lose concentration.

  1. 剣道で一本とるには「平常心」
  2. Calmer mind than opponent leads you to victory!
  3. 剣道の打つべき機会=相手の防御が弱まる機会
  4. "Moment of Chance":When the opponent forget about guard.
  5. 構えている時、どう戦ったらいいのか
  6. How to fight when you are just taking fighting pose?
  7. 攻めをポケモンに例えて解説
  8. You can understand Seme by imagining Pokemon!
  9. 攻め合い中の隙
  10. The opportunity during you standing and Kamae.
  11. 中心が全てじゃない
  12. You don't have to keep center excessively.

  1. 出ばなで勝つ方法
  2. Winning in Kendo with Debana Techniques
  3. 出ばなを捉えるための、秘密の練習法
  4. The secret training to master the Debana.

  1. 気剣体一致と、それ以外の「一本の条件」とは?
  2. "Spirit","Sword handling","Overall body posture".You need the harmony between these three elements. And, "+α".
  3. 一本にするコツ
  4. Rules about Ippon which most Kendo players don't know.
  5. 面の場合
  6. The tricks of Men Uchi
  7. 小手の場合
  8. The tricks of Kote Uchi
  9. 胴の場合
  10. The tricks of Dou Uchi
  11. 引き面の場合
  12. The tricks of Hiki Men

  1. 試合での緊張を克服する方法はコレで決まり!? E
  2. Is this the best way to relax just before the match !? E
  3. 勝ち進む選手と、序盤で敗退してしまう選手の違いって何?
  4. What is the difference between strong player and weak player.
  5. 打ちにいくのが怖い
  6. How can you overcome fear when you strike?

  1. 強くなるための3ステップ
  2. Three steps to be strong Kendo player.
  3. 引き技で一本をとれる気がしない
  4. Why isn't my Hikiwaza judged Ippon?
  5. 一本が決まりやすい技を教えて!
  6. Please tell me the Spesial Move to score the Ippon!
  7. 一本を取った後に逃げ切りたい
  8. I want to hang on to win after I score the Ippoan.
  9. つばぜり合いで相手が離れてくれない
  10. The opponent don't get clear away from Tsubazeriai.
  11. 剣道 弱いのは動きが遅いから?
  12. You can't win because you move slowly. Is it true?
  13. 一本になる強い打ちを打つにはコレしかない!
  14. This is the best way to hit harder!