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Winning in Kendo with Debana Techniques


Today, we will delve into the debana techniques in kendo, which are essential for winning. Many people may be familiar with debana-men and debana-kote. These techniques involve striking the face or wrist at the debana timing, but surprisingly few people can clearly explain why striking at debana allows one to win.


First of all, when asked what debana is, most people would answer "the moment when the opponent is about to strike." It is true that if you strike when the opponent is about to strike, you can win. However, there is a common misconception: at the moment the opponent is about to strike, your own strike must already be hitting the opponent. In other words, if you start striking after noticing the opponent's intention to strike, it will be too late.


So, how can you finish striking at the moment the opponent is about to strike? You need to discern the moment when the opponent is about to strike. Since people cannot use psychic powers to read the opponent's mind, it is difficult to understand when the opponent is about to strike, but you can control the opponent's mind.


For example, in a kendo match, when the opponent is agitated or flustered, you can create a moment when the opponent wants to strike by taking a step back or leading them. At that moment, if the opponent has not yet started moving, you can score a point by starting to strike before the opponent does, using the debana timing.


In kendo, there is a concept called "striking opportunities," and debana is one of the most important moments among them. In kendo, it is difficult to score a point by striking when the opponent is defending. However, at the debana opportunity, the opponent is thinking about striking and not about defense. That is why striking at the debana timing allows you to win.

出ばなを通じて、剣道の魅力をより深く理解し、楽しむことができます。出ばなのタイミングで打つことは、相手があなたに切りかかってきている瞬間に、あなたがそれを知りつつも、捨て身で相手よりも先に打つために打ち込むと言うことになります。これは非常に勇気の要ることですが、だからこそその瞬間に決まる一本は見ごたえがあり、観客も思 わず声を上げるような素晴らしい一本が生まれることにもつながります。出ばなを理解し、練習してみてはいかがでしょうか。

Through debana, you can deepen your understanding and enjoyment of the allure of kendo. Striking at the debana timing means that, knowing the opponent is coming at you, you throw yourself into striking before the opponent does. This requires great courage, but that is precisely why such moments result in spectacular points that elicit cheers from the audience. Try understanding and practicing debana to enhance your kendo experience.