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剣道と声の力 - 剣道家はなぜあんなに大声で叫ぶのか?

Kendo and the Power of the Voice - Why do Kendoka Shout so Loudly?


A common question among people unfamiliar with kendo is, "Why do they shout so loudly in kendo?" There's a clear reason behind the scenes of kendoka shouting aloud as they fight, which you often see. According to the rules of kendo, unless you shout when striking your opponent, it won't be considered a point. Starting from this question, let's delve into the depths of kendo together!


Now, why does such a rule exist in kendo? The answer lies in the roots of kendo. Kendo was originally a martial art born to train daily by replacing fights with swords with bamboo swords. When you cut with a sword, if your body is too tense, you can't cut as you intend. You need to strike in a relaxed state. Therefore, when you exhale and swing your sword, a relaxed, natural movement is born. This is one of the benefits of "shouting while striking".


Of course, it's very scary to have a sword fight, isn't it? To face that fear, it has great significance to shout from the bottom of your stomach, stir up yourself, and strike at the opponent. Even if it's a bamboo sword now, it's still scary to be struck by an opponent. At such times, when you put your spirit into it before striking and cut into the opponent, courage naturally springs up.


For these rational reasons, it has been established as a rule in kendo to "shout when striking the opponent". Strictly speaking, the rule is written as "having a full spirit". If you become a master of kendo, perhaps even if you strike without shouting, it may be judged as a point. However, since the benefits of shouting outweigh the benefits of not shouting, almost all people who do kendo shout loudly and strike with spirit as a result.

体育館で剣道とバレーボールが同時に行われていると、確かにうるさいかもしれませんね。しかし、これらの背後には深い意味があることを理解していただければ幸いです。この記事を読んで、「大きな声を出して体を動かしたい!」と思ったあなた、ぜひ一緒に 腹の底から声を出しながら剣道を体験しませんか?

It might indeed be noisy if kendo and volleyball are being held simultaneously in a gymnasium. However, we hope you understand that there is a deep meaning behind it. If you thought, "I want to shout loudly and move my body!" after reading this article, why not experience kendo while shouting from the bottom of your stomach together?