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剣道の魅力 - 高齢者が若者に勝つ理由

The Charm of Kendo - Why Elderly Can Win Against Younger Opponents?


Kendo is a Japanese martial art that pursues growth in both skill and mental aspects. To win a match, not only physical ability but also tactical knowledge and experience are crucial.


Now, while young people have superior speed and strength compared to the elderly, in kendo matches, that alone is not enough to win! The reason is that the elderly, with their years of experience, understand the "right opportunity to strike."


For example, even if a young person demonstrates incredible speed in a face-to-face match, the elderly person calmly waits for the right moment while observing the situation. When the young person finishes their technique, and the elderly person starts to strike, the flustered young person may inadvertently respond to the face-to-face match. In such situations, since the elderly person has already started moving, they can score a point on the face first!


This is one of the charms of kendo. Understanding the opportunities to win can determine the outcome of a match beyond the advantage of physical speed. Kendo, which allows for growth in both skill and mental aspects regardless of age or gender, is enjoyed by a wide range of generations. So, why not give kendo a try?