
~剣道 STEP UP. channel~

剣道 STEP UP.ch




How to MOVE

人 気 動 画 ランキング

  1. 構え方
  2. Fighting stance
  3. 動き方(すり足)
  4. How to move
  5. 蹲踞(そんきょ)
  6. Sonkyo (squat)

  1. 構え方
  2. Fighting stance
  3. 動き方(すり足)
  4. How to move
  5. 蹲踞(そんきょ)
  6. Sonkyo (squat)
  7. 強い人と弱い人の動きの違い

  1. 一本になる面とは
  2. What kind of Men Uchi is judged "Ippon" ?
  3. 面打ちがレベルアップする5つのポイント
  4. 5 points to improve Men-uchi.
  5. 相面のコツ3選
  6. 3 points to strike Men each other at the same time, and you strike faster.
  7. 面に跳べる足
  8. How to jump when you hit Men-uchi.
  9. 面で勝ちたいなら素振りが一番!
  10. The best way to win with Men-uchi is Suburi!
  11. 小手すり上げ面
  12. Brush the opponent's Koteuchi away and strike Men.
  13. 小手に対して小手面
  14. Strike Kote each other at the same time, and then,you strike Men.
  15. フェイント面
  16. Menuchi after the fake moving

  1. 右手打ちを直す方法
  2. You should swing your Shinai mainly with the left hand.
  3. 面打ちは前のめりで打て
  4. You should lean forword when you hit Men!
  5. 腰でしっかり面を打つ
  6. Use your hips to hit Men!
  7. 一本になる面とは
  8. What kind of Men Uchi is judged "Ippon" ?
  9. 相面
  10. Strike Men each other at the same time, and you strike faster.
  11. 小手すり上げ面
  12. Brush the opponent's Koteuchi away and strike Men.
  13. 小手に対して小手面
  14. Strike Kote each other at the same time, and then,you strike Men.
  15. フェイント面
  16. Menuchi after the fake moving

  1. 小手打ちを飛躍的にレベルアップ6選
  2. 6 points to improve Kote-uchi dramatically.
  3. 小手を一本にするコツ
  4. Get the hang of Kote Uchi to be judged Ippon.
  5. 出小手は面に対してだけじゃない
  6. You can hit Kote when the opponent don't hit Men-Uchi.
  7. 面に対して出小手
  8. Kote Uchi when the opponent willing to strike your Men.
  9. 居着いた瞬間の小手
  10. Kote Uchi when the opponent lose concentration.
  11. 払い小手
  12. Brush the opponent's bamboo sword away and strike Kote.
  13. 小手打ちをはじめから丁寧に
  14. Basic course of Kote Uchi.

  1. 小手を一本にするコツ
  2. Get the hang of Kote Uchi to be judged Ippon.
  3. 面に対して出小手
  4. Kote Uchi when the opponent willing to strike your Men.
  5. 居着いた瞬間の小手
  6. Kote Uchi when the opponent lose concentration.
  7. 払い小手
  8. Brush the opponent's bamboo sword away and strike Kote.

  1. 胴打ちを飛躍的にレベルアップ
  2. 6 points to improve Dou-uchi dramatically..
  3. 相手に面を打たせるコツ
  4. The trick to make the opponent to strike your Men.
  5. 面抜き胴と面返し胴はほぼ一緒
  6. You don't have to guard your Men consciously, when you strike Dou.

  1. 相手に面を打たせるコツ
  2. The trick to make the opponent to strike your Men.
  3. 面抜き胴と面返し胴はほぼ一緒
  4. You don't have to guard your Men consciously, when you strike Dou.

  1. 引き面の打ち方
  2. How to hit Hiki Men.
  3. 引き小手の打ち方
  4. How to hit Hiki Kote.
  5. 引き胴の打ち方
  6. How to hit Hiki Dou.

  1. 引き面を一本にするコツ
  2. The trick to make your Hikimen Ippon.
  3. 引き面の打ち方
  4. How to hit Hiki Men.
  5. 引き小手の打ち方
  6. How to hit Hiki Kote.
  7. 引き胴の打ち方
  8. How to hit Hiki Dou.

  1. 無駄な動きを無くそう
  2. No useless shake and movement to the body.
  3. 竹刀と体の一体感を高めよう
  4. Control Shinai like it's a part of your body.
  5. ムチのように打つコツ
  6. "The technique of smoothly moving your entire body like a whip."

  1. 冴えのある打ちを打つ方法
  2. How to hit sharp Utchi. "Sae"

  1. 左足を継がなくなる方法
  2. How to break the hobit that you move your left leg befor you hit.